Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Change is inevitable. It’s a constant in our lives, yet it’s something many of us fear or resist. This week, in episode 122 of Kickass Career Conversations, Kim and Louise had the privilege of sitting down with Keri Schwebius, a seasoned executive coach and co-owner of Lumilead, a leadership development company. Her journey from a 20-year career in public relations to becoming a leader in the coaching industry is a testament to the power of embracing change and taking control of your own narrative.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Power of Process: Change is not a single event but a continuous process. By embracing this mindset, we can grow and evolve more naturally.

  • Taking Control of Your Journey: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Seize the power to create the change you want in your life.

  • Balancing Hard and Soft Strengths: Whether you approach challenges with toughness or adaptability, both are valid and necessary for navigating life’s ups and downs.

  • Permission to Not Know: It’s okay not to have all the answers. Trust the journey and allow yourself the freedom to explore different paths.

  • The Role of Practice: Just as in yoga, leadership and personal growth are practices that require consistent effort and self-awareness.

The Journey to Finding Your Passion

Keri’s story is one of evolution. She didn’t start out knowing she wanted to be a coach; in fact, like many of us, she had no idea what coaching was until later in life. After two decades in public relations, Keri found herself increasingly drawn to the world of employee communications, where she discovered her passion for leadership. But it wasn’t until she pursued a master’s degree in leadership that she fully realized where her heart lay.

This didn’t happen overnight. As Keri shared, “I didn’t know what coaching was even ten years ago... I didn’t know it was a thing.” It was through her experiences and a series of gradual shifts that she found her true calling. Her journey reminds us that our paths aren’t always linear. Sometimes, it takes time and exploration to discover what truly resonates with us.

Change as a Continuous Process

One of the most powerful insights from our conversation was the idea that change isn’t a single event—it’s a continuous process. We often think of change as something that happens in a moment, but in reality, it’s a series of small shifts that accumulate over time. Keri beautifully captured this when she said, “If you're not growing, you're dying.” Growth is ongoing, and so is change.

This perspective can be incredibly liberating. Instead of fearing change or feeling pressured to have everything figured out, we can embrace the journey and trust that we are constantly evolving. As Keri put it, “I now have permission not to know.” It’s okay not to have all the answers. What’s important is that we stay open to learning and growing along the way.

Taking Control of Your Journey

Another key theme that emerged in our conversation was the importance of taking control of your own journey. For a long time, Keri waited for opportunities to come to her. She was successful in her career, but she realized that she wasn’t driving her own car—she was letting others take the wheel. This changed when she embraced the idea that “no one is coming to save you.”

This realization was a turning point for Keri, and it’s a powerful message for all of us. We have the power to create the change we want in our lives. We don’t have to wait for permission or for someone else to make it happen. We can take the initiative and drive our own journey, even if we don’t know exactly where it will lead.

Balancing Hard and Soft Strengths

Keri also touched on the idea of balancing hard and soft strengths when navigating change. When faced with challenges, it’s natural to want to be tough and resilient. But there’s also strength in softness—in being adaptable and open to what comes. This duality is essential. We need both toughness and adaptability to navigate life’s unexpected turns. It’s about finding that balance and recognizing that both qualities are valuable in different situations.

The Importance of Practice and Reflection

Finally, we discussed the importance of practice and reflection in personal and professional growth. Keri likened leadership to yoga practice: it’s about getting better every day, not striving for perfection. This mindset encourages continuous improvement and allows us to be kind to ourselves as we grow.

Reflection is equally important. Taking time to look back on our journey, to recognize how far we’ve come, and to celebrate our progress is crucial. It helps us stay connected to our goals and values, even when the road ahead is uncertain.

Embrace the Journey

Change is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be something we fear. By embracing change as a process, taking control of our own journey, balancing our strengths, and committing to continuous practice and reflection, we can navigate life’s unexpected turns with grace and resilience.

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